National Insurance Directorate of Benin Presentation The National Insurance Department of Benin was created by Decree n ° 88-528 of December 29, 1988 with the name Direction du Contrôle des Assurances (DCA). Several orders have changed the name of the Insurance Control Department. In accordance with decree N ° 3269 / MEF / DC / SGM / DGAE / 414SGG / 19 of November 22, 2019, relating to the powers, functioning and organization of the General Directorate of Economic Affairs, the Insurance Directorate is one of its directorates whose mission is to examine the various insurance questions. As such, it is responsible : of designing, monitoring the application of national insurance regulations ; of the study and proposal to the Government of all measures likely to ensure and perfect the promotion of the insurance market ; of monitoring the progress of the amicable settlement of disputes arising on the market between insurers and / or intermediaries, on the one hand, and between insurers, insured and beneficiaries of contracts, on the other hand, which are submitted to the Minister in charge of the sector ‘insurance ; of the State representation in international insurance cooperation bodies ; to ensure the drafting of the clauses of the insurance contracts subscribed by the State ; of examining applications for insurance license applications and applications for the exercise of the intermediary profession ; of the control of the qualification of technical experts in charge of assessing claims and the proper execution of insurance contracts ; of the management of the Professional Insurance Training Center (CPFA) of Benin, decentralized educational unit at the International Insurance Institute (IIA) of Yaoundé ; of the implementation of the supervision of the Minister in charge of the Insurance sector by exercising State control over insurance companies and bodies, over intermediaries and other insurance experts operating on national territory in sight : to safeguard the interests of policyholders, underwriters and beneficiaries of insurance and capitalization contracts ; to encourage the insurance sector to increase its participation in the development of the national economy by increasing its investments in priority sectors. It communicates to the Regional Insurance Control Commission (CRCA) the results of the technical controls it performs. It also collects the necessary data: statistics, assessments, studies and surveys. Main managers Mr Odon Bolarinwa KOUPAKI : Director of Insurance ; Mr Renaud HOUINSOU Carole : Head of Service for Insurance Intermediaries, Training and Monitoring Relations with International Insurance Organizations (IFRS) ; Mr Paulin DAKO : Head of Insurance Regulatory and Approval Services (SRA) ; Mr Mar Houénoun MEGAN : Head of Studies, Statistics and Control Service (SESC). Contacts and location +229 21-30-57-10 /+229 21-30-84-45 Mail address : B.P. : 04 BP 400 Cotonou, Cadjèhoun district, airport road, behind the Directorate General of the Treasury and Public Accounting. Geolocation :