July 27, 1962 : Signature of the convention establishing the International Conference of Insurance Controls (CICA) with the following 13 States: Benin, Burkina, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Mali, Niger, Senegal , Chad, Togo, Madagascar and France;
November 27, 1973 : Signature of a new agreement replacing the previous one without the participation of France and Madagascar, whose head office was Paris (France);
1976 : Transfer of CICA headquarters to Libreville (Gabon);
September 20, 1990 : Statement of the CICA crisis leading to the signing of the “Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion and Development of the Insurance Industry” (CCDPIA). It is characterized by the creation of a Council of Insurance Ministers (CMA) and an Inter-State Insurance Control Commission;
April 25, 1991: At the initiative of the Ministers of Finance of the Franc Zone meeting in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), a working group set up to germinate the idea of an integrated organization of industry insurance;
July 10, 1992 : Signature of the Treaty establishing an Integrated Organization of the Insurance Industry in African States with as community organization the Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets for short CIMA, in Yaoundé (Republic of Cameroon) by governments of the following 14 member states: Benin, Burkina, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Chad and Togo. But the Comoros has not ratified the Treaty;
April 20, 1994 : Entry into force of the CIMA Treaty which provides for the accession of any other African State which so wishes;
April 15, 2002 : The number of CIMA member states increased from thirteen (13) to fourteen (14) with the accession of Guinea Bissau.
Secrétaire Général
Nationalité camerounaise
M. NGBWA Jean-Claude
M. NCHARE Issofa
M. EZO’O ENGOLO Blaise Abel
M . DRAME Mamadou
Secrétaire Général Adjoint chargé du Département Technique et du Contrôle
Nationalité malienne
M . SOULAMA Souleymane Robert
Secrétaire Général Adjoint chargé du Département Administratif et Financier
Nationalité burkinabè
M. DRAME Mamadou
M. SOULAMA Souleymane Robert
M. SY Mamadou
M. KEITA Abdoulaye
Nationalité nigérienne
M. SANGARE Boubakar
M. OUMAROU Mahaman
M. MALAM Mamadou Malam
M. TRAORE Mamadou